
I'm often the one behind the camera documenting our family life. My children will have thousands of pictures of themselves, however; I would like to leave some of myself behind for them too.   I've never considered the importance of self-potraiture. "Who am I now and who am I on the verge of becoming?", the Now You site has asks.  I want to try to copy the lying-down-in-the-grass shot from that site!  I am inspired to move in front of the lens in hopes of  "...capturing my own image, capturing love for myself."  Here goes.

Now I know the color of my eyes in sunlight (so be it if they're blood-shot eyes from indulging in a rare treat of reading an entire book cover to cover in one evening.)  It's me now.

1 comment:

  1. Nice selfies! Your forgot the duck lips look :)
